Rosa of the Wild Grass

About Fiona Macintosh & background to 'Rosa of the Wild Grass'

Born In Scotland, Fiona moved to London in the 1970s to work as a graphic designer and became involved in helping Latin American refugee and human rights groups. From the 1960s and through the 1970s there was one military coup after another in Latin America causing many to flee. When Nicaragua's dictatorship fell on July 1979 it was the best news Fiona had heard in a long time, and she wanted to see Nicaragua for herself though doubted that her graphic design skills would be much in demand.

When she arrived in 1981, she found a country in ruins, the people hard at work, and where she could use her skills in support of the many new grassroots and labour organisations - designing their free educational materials. Through this work she met Rosa, who was a platemaker in a print shop she often used. With Rosa's huge heart, wise head and way with words and ideas, Fiona knew she would tell an important story.

This collaboration began in 1987 - with Fiona recording the accounts of Rosa, her mother María and extended family, a process that continued until 2013, when Rosa and Fiona were clear that they had reached the end.

Fiona is a writer and artist, qualified in Anthropology and Sociology, and a practicing Art Psychotherapist. Currently she is working on an exhibition reflecting her experience in Central America where she explores themes from the book.

'Rosa of the Wild Grass' was published in 2016 by Latin America Bureau (LAB) in partnership with Practical Action Publishing Limited.